2022-2023 Public Safety & Human Services Committee
The purpose of the Public Safety & Human Services Committee is to provide policy direction and oversight and to deliberate and make recommendations on legislative matters including but not limited to criminal justice and law enforcement, with special emphasis on programs and strategies to reduce crime, domestic violence, sexual assault, human trafficking, and youth violence (including the Seattle Police Department and the City Attorney's Office); development and implementation of alternatives to police response and programs to reduce the public's involvement with law enforcement and decrease involvement with the criminal legal system; police accountability (including the Office of Police Accountability, Office of Inspector General, and the Community Police Commission), and the implementation of the Settlement Agreement between the Department of Justice and the City of Seattle regarding the Seattle Police Department; coordination with municipal, regional, state, and federal agencies engaged in public safety issues (including the Seattle Municipal Court); fire prevention and suppression, and emergency medical services; emergency preparedness, management, and response; and youth justice, alternatives to youth detention, and alternative housing options to youth incarceration; human services including but not limited to: child care, aging, disability services, safe and thriving communities and the Let Everyone Advance with Dignity (LEAD) program; and local and regional public health.
Pursuant to Washington State Governor's Proclamation No. 20-28.15 and Senate Concurrent Resolution 8402, this public meeting will be held remotely. Meeting participation is limited to access by the telephone number provided on the meeting agenda, and the meeting is accessible via telephone and Seattle Channel online.
Agenda: Call to Order; Approval of the Agenda; Public Comment; OPA Investigation into June 8, 2020 Ruse; Public Health Update on COVID-192; Briefing on the December 9, Emergency 911 System Outage.
Agenda: Call to Order; Approval of the Agenda; Public Comment; LEAD program 3rd quarter update; Updates to the Annual Usage Reviews of City Surveillance Technologies; Adjournment.
Agenda: Call to Order; Approval of the Agenda; Public Comment; Appointment to Seattle Police Commission; CB 120714: relating to the transfer of City real property for housing development; Adjournment.
Agenda: Call to Order; Approval of the Agenda; Public Comment; Res 32111: Resolution recognizing seismic retrofit of unreinforced masonry buildings; Appointment of Philip J. Sanchez as member, Community Police
Commission; Res 32112: Resolution relating to bargaining process for Seattle Police Management Association (SPMA); CB 120668: Relating to funding for housing and community development programs; CB 120669: Relating to funding from non-City sources and 2023-2028 Capital Improvement Program (CIP); Adjournment.
Agenda: Call to Order; Approval of the Agenda; Public Comment; CB 120645: relating to controlled substances; Adjournment.
Agenda: Call to Order; Approval of the Agenda; Public Comment; Panel on Gaps in the Services Landscape for People Using Fentanyl; Proposed Council Bill 120645: Ordinance relating to controlled substances.
Public Safety & Human Services Committee - Joint Meeting with Select Labor Committee 8/8/23
Agenda: Call to Order; Approval of the Agenda; Introduction to Collective Bargaining with the Seattle Police Management Association (SPMA); Public Hearing on Collective Bargaining with the SPMA.
Agenda: Call to Order; Approval of the Agenda; Public Comment; Appointment of Josh Sattler as Court Administrator, Seattle Municipal Court; 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline Serving King County - Year One Report; Seattle Community Safety Initiative (SCSI) and King County Regional Approach to Gun Violence; Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion (LEAD) Quarter 1 and 2 Metrics Reporting.
Agenda: Call to Order; Approval of the Agenda; Public Comment; Northwest Abortion Access Fund (NWAAF) Update; City Auditor Report, “The City Can Do More to Tackle Organized Retail Crime in Seattle"; Pre Filing Diversion Expansion Pilot for Individuals 25 and Older; Transformation is Possible: Recommendations from the Seattle Community Responses to Domestic Violence Workgroup; Adjournment.
Agenda: Call to Order; Approval of the Agenda; Public Comment; CB 120580: relating to app-based worker labor standards; Adjournment.
Agenda: Call to Order; Approval of the Agenda; Public Comment; 2023 Mid-Year Police Accountability Report; CB 120608: Ordinance relating to civilian and community oversight of the police and the Community Police Commission; CB 120580: Ordinance relating to app-based worker labor standards in Seattle.
Agenda: Call to Order; Approval of the Agenda; Public Comment; Update on Dual Dispatch; CB 120580: relating to app-based worker labor standards; Age Friendly Seattle: Addressing Social Isolation and Promoting Anti-Ageism; Adjournment.
Agenda: Call to Order; Approval of the Agenda; Public Comment; Community Police Commission Proposed Amendments to Accountability Ordinance; Res 32094: Resolution concerning wage equity for non-profit human services workers; Office of Emergency Management Heat and Smoke Preparedness Plan.
Agenda: Call to Order; Approval of the Agenda; Public Comment; Appointment to Community Police Commission; Overdose Trends and Community Based Overdose Prevention Program; Issue Identification for Proposed Council Bill 120580 regarding App-Based Workers Deactivations Rights; Seattle Police Department Quarterly Staffing, Performance Metrics and Finances Report.
Agenda: Call to Order; Approval of the Agenda; Public Comment; Appointment; CB 120560: Relating to appropriations for the Human Services Department; LEAD/Co-LEAD Contract Update; Draft App-Based Workers Deactivation Rights Ordinance.
Agenda: Call to Order; Approval of the Agenda; Public Comment; CB 120549: relating to the City’s criminal code; Draft Resolution on Pay Equity for Human Services Contractors.
Agenda: Call to Order; Approval of the Agenda; Public Comment; Appointments to Community Police Commission; Appointment of Tanya Kim as Director of Human Services Department; Ongoing Assessments in Proposed Consent Decree Agreement on Sustained Compliance; Unreinforced Masonry Program 1st Quarter Update.
Agenda: Call to Order; Approval of the Agenda; Public Comment; Appointments and reappointments; Seattle Police Department Recruitment Plan and Shift Changes; Office of Emergency Management Community Engagement Plan.
Agenda: Call to Order; Approval of the Agenda; Public Comment; City Attorney’s Office Criminal Division 4th Quarter 2022 Report; Wage Equity Study for Non-Profit Human Services Workers.
Agenda: Call to Order; Approval of the Agenda; Public Comment; Human Services Department 2023 Notice of Funding Availability; Update on Dual Dispatch Pilot/Dispatch Protocols.
Agenda: Call to Order; Approval of the Agenda; Public Comment; Seattle Police Department 2022 Crime Report; Human Services Department 2023 Notice of Funding Availability.
Agenda: Call to Order; Approval of the Agenda; Public Comment; Appointments and reappointments to Pacific Hospital Preservation and Development Authority Governing Council, Civil Service Commission and of the Public Safety Civil Service Commission; Public Safety Civil Service Commission Overview and Update.
Agenda: Call to Order; Approval of the Agenda; Public Comment; Appointments to the Community Police Commission; Office of Inspector General 2023 Work Plan; City Response to Flooding in South Park.
Agenda: Call to Order; Approval of the Agenda; Public Comment; Appointment to the Community Police Commission; Appointment of Adrian Z. Diaz as Seattle Police Chief; SDCI Unreinforced Masonry Program Update; 2023 Draft Annual Action Plan - includes public hearing.
Agenda: Call to Order; Approval of the Agenda; Public Comment; Appointments and reappointments; CB 120424: Relating to e Seattle Municipal Court; CB 120422: Relating to crimes and punishment and conforming Seattle Municipal Code; PayUp - Worker Discussion of Deactivation & Background Checks; City Attorney's Office Criminal Division Quarter 2, 2022 Report; Risk Managed Demand (RMD) Analysis.
Agenda: Call to Order; Approval of the Agenda; Public Comment; Appointment of Faisal Khan as Director of Public Health Seattle and King County; Appt 02332: Appointment of Gino Betts Jr. as Director of the Office of Police Accountability; Alternative 911 responses update.
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