Book Lust with Nancy Pearl

Leading authors on life and writing

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About Book Lust with Nancy Pearl

Seattle's own "action figure librarian," best-selling author, and literary critic Nancy Pearl sits down each month with authors, poets, and other literary figures for conversations about books, reading, and the process and art of writing. There's no one better qualified than Nancy, who brings an informed reader's perspective to lively conversation and in-depth dialogs about all things literary.

Nancy Pearl, author of the best-selling "Book Lust" series, creator of the internationally recognized program "If All of Seattle Read the Same Book" (which became "Seattle Reads"), and model for the world-famous Archee McPhee "Librarian Action Figure," is host of Book Lust with Nancy Pearl on the Seattle Channel.

Book Lust with Nancy Pearl Featuring Naomi Hirahara
Book Lust with Nancy Pearl Featuring Naomi Hirahara

Naomi Hirahara joins Nancy Pearl to discuss "Clark and Division," her new historical mystery that takes place in the 1940s when a Japanese American family is transitioning to city life after mass incarceration during World War II. Naomi is the author of several mystery series as well as non-fiction and she tells Nancy why she decided to write this story inspired by historical events as a stand-alone mystery. Her years working as a journalist and researching Japanese American history add rich historical details to the heartbreaking story of Aki, a young woman who sets off to find out who murdered her older sister.