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Look, Listen and Learn explores ways to reduce, reuse & recycle
Look, Listen and Learn: Trashy Treasures

Did you know you can use an old jar to pot a plant or to store snacks? These are just a few simple ways to reduce, reuse, and recycle! Look, listen, and Learn with us as Auntie Lena teaches Possum how to keep Mother Nature healthy and clean.

Tune into these segments in our latest episode:

First, Miss Susan and Gia join us at the Woodland Park Zoo to read "Scrap Metal Swan- A River Clean-Up Story" by Joanne Linden. Then, Mr. Isaiah meets us at the Nepantla Cultural Arts Gallery to make reusable t-shirt bags. Finally, we head over to the DayoSense Kwanzaa Campus to make a delicious potato salad with Chef Dayo and Cameron.

Seattle's new stealthy neighbor, the Cooper's hawk

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