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State of Africatown 2024: Celebrating history, taking action
State of Africatown 2024

State of Africatown is a testament to over a decade of resilience, growth, and empowerment within Seattle’s Black community. Held at Langston on March 2, the event was a melting pot of ideas and inspiration, and featured a broad spectrum of voices. It focused on actionable steps towards a more inclusive and vibrant Seattle that considers what it can look like to create equitable opportunities for development in all areas of our community. 

Speakers include:

TraeAnna Holiday, Emcee, Producer/Community Advocate
Josephine Howell, Vocalist 
Ebony Arunga, Interim Executive Director, LANGSTON Seattle
Elder Kibibi Monie, Libations
Dawn Mason, Co-Convener
Emijah Smith, Community Advocate
Evelyn Allen, Founder, Black Community Impact Alliance
Claude Harris, Former Seattle Fire Chief
Dr. Ashra Kwesi, Historian & Lecturer
Ty Griffin, Program Manager, William Grose Center for Cultural Innovation
Kyle Johnson, Co-Founder, A Vision for Electronic Literacy & Access (UW)
Teroshua Thomas, Community Builder, Africatown Center for Education & Innovation
Kevin Loyal, Owner & Manager, Champ Boxing
Melba Ayco, Founder & Director, Northwest Tap
Dominique Davis, Founder/CEO, Community Passageways
Rokea Jones, Maternal Health Expert & Specialist, BLK MAMAS Collective
Jazmin Williams, Founder, BLKBRY Black-Centered Holistic Care
Megan Matthews, Director, WA State Office of Equity
K. Wyking Garrett, President & CEO, Africatown Community Land Trust
Councilmember Joy Hollingsworth, City of Seattle, Dist. 3
Margo Jones, Board Chair, Africatown Community Land Trust

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