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Seattle chosen as host city for National Minority Supplier Development Council Business Economic Forum
Seattle chosen as host city for National Minority Supplier Development Council Business Economic Forum

Seattle Mayor Bruce Harrell and leaders from the National Minority Supplier Development Council (NMSDC) announced a new partnership to bring the NMSDC’s Minority Business Economic Forum to Seattle, May 14-16, 2024. The announcement was made from Jimale Technical Services, a woman and minority business enterprise (W/MBE). Modeled after Davos’ World Economic Forum, the May event will bring together 500 of the nation’s most influential policymakers, academics, business, and community leaders to eliminate the barriers preventing MBEs from fully engaging in the emerging markets and technologies of today and tomorrow.

Speakers and attendees include:

Mayor Bruce Harrell, City of Seattle

CEO and President Ying McGuire, NMSDC

Manager of Operations Huda Al-Musawi, Northwest Mountain MSDC

CEO Tanya Jimale, Jimale Technical Services

Seattle's new stealthy neighbor, the Cooper's hawk

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