Seattle City Council Videos
Agenda: Call to Order, Roll Call, Presentations; Public Comment; Adoption of the Introduction and Referral Calendar, Approval of the Agenda, Approval of Consent Calendar; Items removed from Consent Calendar; CB 120451: amending Ordinance 126490, which adopted the 2022 Budget; CB 120435: relating to the Traffic Code - restricted parking zone program fees; CB 120437: relating to adoption of the 2023 Budget and endorsement of the 2024 Proposed Budget; CB 120463: relating to the Department of Parks and Recreation 2023-2024 fee schedule; CB 120459: relating to the Seattle Transportation Benefit District; CB 120457: adopting a budget, including a capital improvement program and position modifications, for The City of Seattle for 2023; Res 32072: endorsing a budget and position modifications for The City of Seattle for 2024; CB 120445: relating to the levy of property taxes; CB 120446: authorizing the levy of regular property taxes by The City of Seattle for collection in 2023; Adoption of Other Resolutions, Other Business, Adjournment.