Seattle City Council Videos

Councilmember Sawant urges urges eviction moratorium extension
Councilmember Sawant urges urges eviction moratorium extension

Councilmember Kshama Sawant (District 3, Central Seattle), chair of the Council's Sustainability and Renters Rights Committee, eviction defense experts, and renter advocates explain why the Seattle City Council should vote for the Right to Counsel legislation without loopholes and resolution to extend the eviction moratorium through 2021.

Speakers include:

Councilmember Kshama Sawant, City of Seattle

Edmund Witter, Housing Justice Project

John Pollock, National Coalition for a Civil Right to Counsel 

Julissa Sanchez, Tenants Union of Washington State

Sharon Crowley, Seattle Renters Commission & UAW 4121 member

Jacob Shearer, Real Change organizer & Bookworkers Union member

Shirley Henderson, Seattle small business owner  


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