2016/2017 Planning, Land Use & Zoning Committee
Agenda: Public Comment, Appointment, CB 118672 - Living Building Pilot Program
Agenda: Chair's Report; Public Comment; CB 119081: relating to the regulation of short-term rental businesses.
Agenda: Chair's Report; Public Comment; CF 314343: Application of the West Seattle Church of Nazarene to rezone; Public Hearing on Ord. 125425 - CB 119093; CB 119082: relating to short-term rental uses; CB 119081: relating to the regulation of short-term rental businesses.
Agenda: Public Comment, CF 314325: Application to rezone - 1106 34th Ave., CB 119055: related to land use and zoning - Uptown Urban Center, Res 31772: Uptown Urban Design Framework, CB 119057: modifying the Design Review program.
Agenda: CB 119055: Relating to land use and zoning - Uptown; CB 119057: relating to land use and zoning - Design Review program.
Agenda: Public Comment; CB 119069: relating to the Seattle Electrical Code; CB 119072: relating to Seattle's technical codes; CB 119071: amending the 2015 Seattle Building Code; CB 119027: amending the Seattle Comprehensive Plan; CB 119055: Uptown Rezone; CB 119057: relating to land use and zoning; CF 314325: Application of Martin Squared, LLC.
Agenda: Public Comment; CB 118971: maintenance and demolition standards related to vacant buildings; CF 314310: Application of Capitol Hill Development LLC; CB 119059: rezone property located at 1203 East Spruce Street; CB 119027: 2016-2017 Comprehensive Plan annual amendment process; CB 119057: Design Review program; CB 119055: rezone land in the Uptown area.
Agenda: Public Comment; Res 31762: Comprehensive Plan amendments; CB 118985: relating to land use and zoning; CB 118971: vacant buildings standards; Overview of planning efforts and proposed zoning within the Uptown Urban Center; Overview of planning process, proposed improvements, and administrative updates to the Design Review Program.
Agenda: Res 31762: identifying proposed Comprehensive Plan amendments to be considered for possible adoption in 2018.
Agenda: Public Comment, CF 314349 and CB 119028: Application of Capitol Hill Housing to rezone property; CB 118985: relating to land use and zoning; CB 119004: relating to land use and zoning - Downtown, South Lake Union; CB 118980: relating to land use and zoning - Mt. Baker Town Center; CB 118981: relating to land use and zoning - 23rd and Cherry; CB 118982: relating to land use and zoning - 23rd and Union; CB 118983: relating to land use and zoning - 23rd and Jackson; Res 31752: recognizing the extensive efforts of the Central Area community.
Agenda: Briefing by Interim Community Development Association (Chinatown-International District), CB 118959: relating to land use and zoning - Chinatown-International District, Res 31754: relating to the Chinatown-International District.
Agenda: CB 119004 relating to land use and zoning - Downtown, South Lake Union and adjacent IC zones, CB 118980: relating to land use and zoning - Mount Baker Town Center, CB 118981: relating to land use and zoning - 23rd and Cherry, CB 118982: relating to land use and zoning - 23rd and Union, CB 118983: relating to land use and zoning - 23rd and Jackson.
Agenda: Public Comment, CB 118971: relating to vacant buildings, CB 118980: relating to approved neighborhood design guidelines, Briefing by WELD on housing and neighborhood stability, CB 118974: housing and building maintenance, CB 118981-3 and Res 31752: relating to land use and zoning - 23rd Avenue, CB 118985: relating to the Seattle Department of Construction and Inspections.
Agenda: Public Comment, Res 31754: relating to land use and zoning - Chinatown/International District, 2017 Equitable Development Initiative Workplan Update, CB 118959: rezoning certain land in the Chinatown/International District, CB 118974: relating to housing and building maintenance.
Agenda: relating to land use and zoning; amending the Official Land Use Map to rezone certain land in the Chinatown/International District.
Agenda: Public Comment, CB 118959: amending the Official Land Use Map to rezone land in the Chinatown/International District, CB 118971: modifying maintenance and demolition standards related to vacant buildings.
Agenda: Public Comment, Appointment to Construction Codes Advisory Board, CB 118959: relating to land use and zoning and the Chinatown/International District.
Agenda: Chair's Report, Public Comment, Appointments to the Seattle Design Review Board, Overview on Mandatory Housing Affordability program development in the international district, Review of administration, payment, and performance of incentive zoning program for affordable housing 2006-2015.
Agenda: Chair's Report, Public Comment, Reappointments to the Seattle Planning Commission, CF 314331: Application of Mariner on Republican, LLC for a contract rezone, CB 118934: relating to land use and zoning, CB 118885: relating to land use and zoning and the Official Land Use Map, CB 118753: relating to land use and zoning.
Agenda: Chair's Report, CB 118885: related to land use and zoning - MHA Implementation in Downtown and South Lake Union.
Agenda: Public Comment, CF 314331: 203 West Republican St rezone, CB 118885: Official Land Use Map amendments.
Agenda: Public Comment, Appointments and Reappointments to the Seattle Design Commission, CB 118893: relating to Seattle Municipal Code, CF 314115: Application for a contract rezone, CB 118753: also relating to land use and zoning, CB 118885: relating to land use and zoning, amending the Official Land Use Map.
Agenda: Chair's Report, Public Comment, Res 31732: recognizing the University District Urban Design Framework, Res 31733: requesting evaluation of residential displacement as it relates to increase in development capacity, CB 118893: relating to land use and zoning, CF 314115: Application of Robert Hardy for a contract rezone at 743 N. 35th Street to allow a five-story structure in an environmentally critical area.
Agenda: Public Comment, CB 118862: relating to the official land use map, CB 118853: relating to State Environmental Protection Act, CB 118893: relating to the Seattle Municipal Code.
Agenda: Public Comment, Appt 00531: appointing David A. Goldberg as a member of the Seattle Planning Commission, CB 118853: relating to the environmentally critical area regulations and the State Environmental Protection Act, CB 118862: relating to land use and zoning and changing the Official Land Use Map to rezone areas and remove the University District Station Area Overlay District, CB 118854: also relating to land use and zoning.
Agenda: Public Comment, CB 118854: relating to land use and zoning, CB 118853: relating to environmentally critical area regulations and the State Environmental Protection Act, CB 118862: relating to the official land use map.
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