City Inside/Out episodes
City Inside/Out: Tolling I-90?
Should I-90 drivers start paying tolls to help fund the new SR-520? Mercer Island residents are outraged, but others argue it`s the only way to fix a $1.4 billion budget shortfall while potentially reducing congestion on both bridges. Will lawmakers in Olympia propose new I-90 tolls in 2014? The Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) is studying the new toll and how to ease the pain for Mercer Island residents, but expect a big fight over what some are calling highway robbery. We hear opposing views from House Transportation Committee Chair Rep. Judy Clibborn and ranking minority member Rep. Ed Orcutt. We also get perspective from Mercer Island Schools Superintendent Gary Plano and I-90 tolls supporter Sam DeBord. In-studio, we are joined by Mercer Island Mayor Bruce Bassett, WSDOT Tolling Director Craig Stone and Mark Hallenbeck, director of the Washington State Transportation Center. Are tolls taking too much of a toll on Puget Sound drivers?