Book Lust with Nancy Pearl episodes

The "strange subject matter" of novel "Dayswork," by Jennifer Habel and Chris Bachelder
Book Lust with Nancy Pearl: Jennifer Habel, Chris Bachelder

The novel "Dayswork," by the married duo Jennifer Habel and Chris Bachelder, follows a woman navigating the pandemic while using the life of "Moby-Dick" author Herman Melville to examine her own. The pair acknowledges that pitching the book's "strange form and...strange subject matter" to their agent posed a challenge. Despite their concerns, the "Melville Vortex" that captivated the couple had apparently ensnared others in the industry as well and they found an enthusiastic response. On the latest episode of Book Lust with host Nancy Pearl, the couple discusses their journey to the renowned author, their decision not to defend his complex reputation, and their plans for future collaborative writing projects.

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