Art Zone with Nancy Guppy episodes
"Art Zone with Nancy Guppy" has temporarily morphed into "Art Zone Phones It In," a low-tech scrappy version filmed in the social distancing comfort of Nancy's condo. With Joe Guppy running camera (his iPhone), Nancy and her remote but mighty AZ team curate homegrown video performances by musicians, actors and comedians; present video interviews with artists, city leaders, and owners of art-based businesses; and feature laugh-out-loud moments like cooped-up cat roommates and Nancy giving Joe a much needed, and very bad, haircut.
The first installment of "Art Zone Phones It In" features the talented and generous-hearted Chris Ballew singing "Roly Poly Buggy Ball," an interview with Seattle's Office of Arts & Culture Director Randy Engstrom on the important role art will play in the revitalization of Seattle, and suggestions on how to support artists and engage with art -- at a distance.