Seattle Channel Video

Full Council 12/12/2016
Full Council 12/12/2016

Agenda: Public Comment, CB 118817: relating to residential rental properties and move-in fees and deposits, CB 118871: relating to the Department of Parks and Recreation and the Office of the Waterfront, Appt 00531: the Appointment of David A. Goldberg as a member of the Seattle Planning Commission, CB 118872: vacating the alley in Block 14, CB 118789: vacating the remaining north forty feet of the alley in Block 18, CB 118792: relating to street and sidewalk use and the Play Street program, Appt 00554: the Appointment of Sandy Wolf as a member of the Ballard Avenue Landmark District Board, Res 31724: reaffirming Seattle's values of inclusion, respect, and justice, and the City's commitment toward actions to reinforce these values.

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