2018/2019 Finance & Neighborhoods Committee
Agenda: Chair's Report; Public Comment; CB 119250: relating to taxation; Res 31810: establishing a spending plan.
Finance & Neighborhoods Committee 12/11/19
Agenda: Public Comment; Appointments and Reappointments to Community Involvement Commission, Pike Place Market Preservation and Development Authority Governing Council, Pike Place Market Historical Commission, and Landmarks Preservation Board; CB 119725: relating to City employment - a compensation program for the position of Chief Technology Officer; CB 119716: relating to City employment - Fourth Quarter 2019 Employment Ordinance; Human Services Department's Draft Annual Action Plan for Federal Funds; CB 119711: relating to the Department of Finance and Administrative Services - lease for 5821 First Ave. South; CB 119712: relating to the Department of Finance and Administrative Services; CB 119721: acceptance of funding from non-City sources; CB 119720: 2019 Budget & 2019-2024 Capital Improvement Program.
Agenda: Public Comment; Appointments to Historic Seattle Preservation and Development Authority Governing Council, Seattle Chinatown-International District Preservation and Development Authority Governing Council, and Pike Place Market Preservation and Development Authority Governing Council; CB 119627: relating to historic preservation - Highland Apartments; CB 119630: relating to historic preservation - Bleitz Funeral Home; CB 119644: declaring a property as surplus and authorizing the sale - West Seattle Snippets; CB 119721: acceptance of funds from non-City sources; CB 119720: amending Ordinance 125724 which adopted the 2019 budget and 2019-2024 Capital Improvement Program.
Agenda: Public Comment; Reappointment; CB 119625: relating to the use of extensively damaged motor vehicles.
Agenda: Public Comment; CB 119625: relating to the use of extensively damaged motor vehicles; 119645: relating to eliminating neighborhood blight; Res 31906: Old Cannery Building.
Agenda: Public Comment; Appointments to Seattle Youth Commission; CB 119626: relating to City employment - Second Quarter 2019 Employment Ordinance; CB 119641: relating to lease to Sand Point Community Connections LLC; Res 31905: Physical Development Management Plan for Sand Point; 119643: relating to lease to Plymouth Housing Group; CB 119629: related to appropriations for the Human Services Department; CB 119642: relating to City emergency purchases; CB CB 119645: relating to eliminating neighborhood blight; Res 31906: Old Cannery Building; Res 31902: Strategies to protect trees and increase tree canopy cover; CB 119625: relating to the use of extensively damaged motor vehicles.
A special meeting of the Finance & Neighborhoods Committee. Agenda: Affordability of Long-Term Care.
Agenda: Chair's Report; Public Comment; Extensively Damaged Motor Vehicles Ordinance Briefing; Seattle City Employee Retirement System Briefing; CB 119577: relating to City employment; 2019 Citywide Position List; CB 119578: relating to City employment - Power Marketer Plan; CB 119591: relating to City Light Department; CB 119592: relating to the City Light Department - Boundary Hydroelectric Project; CB 119498: relating to City Light Department - Boundary Hydroelectric Project deeds; CB 119533: relating to City Light Department - easements; CB 119534: relating to City Light Department - easements.
Agenda: Chair's Report; Public Comment; CB 119603: relating to the transfer of City real property - Yakima Avenue South; CB 119574: accepting funding from non-City sources; CB 119575: amending Ordinance 125724 - 2019 budget; CB 119572: amending Ordinance 125493 - 2018 Budget; CB 119576: amending Ordinance 125724 - 2019 Budget; CB 119573: amending Ordinance 125724 - 2019 Budget; Extensively Damaged Motor Vehicles Ordinance Briefing.
Agenda: Chair's Report; Public Comment; CB 119579: relating to City employment; CB 119572: amending Ordinance 125493 - 2018 budget; CB 119575 - amending Ordinance 125724 - 2019 budget; CB 119573: amending Ordinance 125724 - 2019 budget; CB 119576: amending Ordinance 125724 - 2019 budget; CB 119574: acceptance of funding from non-City sources.
Agenda: Chair's Report; Public Comment; CB 119550: relating to funding for housing and community development; CB 119402: relating to the Equitable Development Initiative; CB 119551: an ordinance related to the Sweetened Beverage Tax.
Agenda: Public Comment; CB 119540: relating to historic preservation - Ainsworth and Dunn Warehouse; CB 119551: related to creating a fund for Sweetened Beverage Tax revenues; CB 119402: related to funding for the Equitable Development Initiative; CB 119552: related to Yesler Crescent Improvements; Appointment of Robert Humes, Director, Seattle Department of Human Resources.
Agenda: Chair's Report; Public Comment; CB 119541: office space and ancillary uses in the Wharf Building; Sweetened Beverage Tax and Short Term Rental Tax Statement of Legislative Intent Response; Appointment of Robert Humes as Director, Seattle Department of Human Resources.
Agenda: Chair's Report; Public Comment; Reappointments to the Community Involvement Commission; CB 119528: relating to historic preservation of the Seattle Tower; CB 119530: historic preservation of the UW Parrington Hall; CB 119529: historic preservation of the Mount Baker Community Club Clubhouse.
Agenda: Chair's Report; Public Comment; Appointments to the Pioneer Square Preservation Board; CB 119493: First Quarter 2019 Employment Ordinance; 2018 Q4 CIP Monitoring Report - Summary and Highlights; 2018 Finance and Administrative Services Race and Social Justice Initiative Accomplishments.
Agenda: Chair's Report; Public Comment; CB 119490: relating to the Central Waterfront Improvement Program.
Agenda: Chair's Report; Public Comment; CB 119485: Elliott Bay Office Park Lease Agreement.
Agenda: Chair's Report; Public Comment; CB 119478: amending Ordinance 125724, which adopted the 2019 Budget; Res 31869: Revised 2020 Appropriations by Budget Control Level; CB 119479: amending Ordinance 125724, which adopted the 2019 Budget; CB 119476: relating to the Pike Place Market and the Hildt-Licata Agreement.
Agenda: Chair's Report; Public Comment; CB 119467: Broad Street Substation historic preservation; Report on Healthy Food Availability and the Food Bank Network in Seattle; Res 31866: establishing a Watch List of large, complex, discrete capital projects.
Agenda: Chair's Report; Public Comment; Reappointment to Civil Service Commission; Seattle Retirement Savings Report; Department of Neighborhoods' Director's Report.
Agenda: Public Comment; Appointment to the Benaroya Hall Music Center Board; Appointment to the Pike Place Market Preservation and Development Authority Governing Council; Reappointment to the Historic Seattle Preservation and Development Authority Governing Council; Sugary Beverage Tax (SBT) Six Month Audit Report.
Agenda: Chair's Report; Appointments; CB 119418: relating to historic preservation - Japanese Language School; CB 119414: relating to historic preservation - UW Canoe House/ASUW Shell House; CB 119422: relating to historic preservation - Edris Nurses Home; CB 119429: relating to fees charged by Seattle Animal Shelter; Annual Action Plan Public Hearing and Summary; CB 119421: relating to City employment; CB 119425: authorizing acceptance of funding from non-City sources; CB 119430: amending 2018 budget.
Agenda: Chair's Report; Public Comment; Appointments and Reappointments; CB 119325: Ordinance relating to historic preservation of the Colonnade Hotel/Gatewood Apartments; CB 119348: Ordinance relating to historic preservation of Anhalt Hall; CB 119352: Ordinance relating to the City Light Department; CB 119338: Ordinance authorizing acceptance of funding from non-City sources; CB 119339: Ordinance relating to amending Ordinance 125493, which amended the 2018 Budget; Res 31836: Resolution relating to designating the Grand Street Commons Redevelopment Opportunity Zone.
Agenda: Chair's Report; Public Comment; Appointments; CB 119357: Relating to the sale of lots in the Latona Addition; CB 119338: authorizing acceptance of funding from non-City sources; CB 119339: Amending Ordinance 125493, which amended the 2018 Budget; Res 31837: Evaluation of reuse and disposal of the City's real property.
Agenda: Chair's Report; Public Comment; CB 119310: relating to the City of Seattle's Voluntary Deferred Compensation Plan; CB 119312: 2018 Citywide Position List; CB 119313: Second Quarter 2018 Employment Ordinance; City Real Property Inventory and Disposition Policies; Baseline Report: Evaluation of Seattle's Sweetened Beverage Tax; CB 119330: relating to the Pike Place Market Historical District.
Agenda: Chair's Report; Public Comment; CB 119311: relating to funding for housing and community development programs; Restructuring the Judgment and Claims Subfund.
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