2016/2017 Parks, Seattle Center, Libraries & Waterfront Committee
Agenda: Public Comment, Seattle Center presentation on Seattle's Race and Social Justice Initiative.
Agenda: Public Comment; CB 119150: relating to Volunteer Park; CB 119146: relating to land use and zoning - Seattle Asian Art Museum; CB 119049: relating to the Department of Parks and Recreation and EarthCorps.
Agenda: Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) reporting on Bitter Lake Lid project, CB 119086: relating to the Central Waterfront Project, CB 119085: Aquatic Lands Lease for Seattle's Waterfront Parks.
Agenda: Public Comment; Res 31768: relating to public spaces on the Central Waterfront; CB 119070: relating to the redevelopment of certain City-owned real property; CB 119041: Seward Park Clay Studio, Inc.
Agenda: Public Comment; Waterfront Funding Plan and Partnership for Management and Operations; CB 118996: Leschi and Lakewood moorage facilities; CB 119049: Concession Agreement with EarthCorps.
Agenda: Public Comment, Department of Natural Resources Waterfront Lease, CB 119040: relating to an agreement with Seattle Public Theater, CB 119041: relating to an agreement with Seward Park Clay Studio, Inc., CB 119043: relating to a Project Partnership Agreement, Res 31763: adopting Seattle Parks and Recreation 2017 Parks Development Plan.
Agenda: Public Comment, 2017 Parks and Open Space Plan, CB 119021: relating to the reconstruction of Alaskan Way, CB 118996: authorizing the execution of a lease agreement.
Agenda: Public Comment, related to a Funding Agreement, Res 31759: relating to the Seattle Park District.
Agenda: Public Comment, Reappointment to Seattle Public Library Board of Trustees, CB 118975: related to a settlement agreement, CB 118960: relating to the former Lakewood Substation, CB 118979: relating to the Olympic Sculpture Park, CB 118996: relating to Seattle's public Leschi and Lakewood moorage facilities on Lake Washington.
Agenda: Chair's Report, Public Comment, CB 118976: relating to the Seattle Center Department, Office of the Waterfront 2017 Work Plan Review.
Agenda: Public Comment, Seattle Public Library 2016 Annual Levy Report, Seattle Public Library Race and Social Justice Initiative (RSJI) Presentation, CB 118956: relating to the Department of Parks and Recreation, CB 118957: relating to King County Conservation Futures Levy proceeds.
Agenda: Public Comment, Appointments and Reappointments to the Seattle-King County Aging and Disability Services Advisory Council.
Agenda: Chair's Report, Public Comment, Department of Parks and Recreation Capital Improvements, Department of Parks and Recreation Race and Social Justice Initiative Presentation.
Agenda: Public Comment, CB 118620: relating to West Seattle Stadium, Appointments and Reappointments to the Seattle Center Advisory Commission, Seattle Center Race and Social Justice Initiative Presentation.
Agenda: Public Comment, Office of the Waterfront, Boating Facilities Program, Appointment to Seattle Park District Community Oversight Committee.
Agenda: Public Comment, Apt 00555: appointing Vaughnetta J. Barton as a member of the Seattle Public Library Board of Trustees, an update regarding the Off-Leash Area Plan, CB 118880: relating to the Department of Parks and Recreation, authorizing the acquisition of a property for open space, park, and recreation purposes.
Agenda: Public Comment, CB 118871: relating to the Department of Parks and Recreation and the Office of the Waterfront.
Agenda: Public Comment, Appointments to Seattle Public Library Board of Trustees, CB 118797: Madison Valley Park Foundation donation, Seattle Department of Parks and Recreation Community Center Strategic Plan.
Agenda: Public Comment, Appointment to Board of Parks Commissioners, Res 31691: Department of Parks and Recreation grant funding assistance for ALEA, Res 31692: Seattle Department of Parks and Recreation grant funding assistance for WWRP, Res 31693: Seattle Department of Parks and Recreation grant funding assistance for YAF.
Agenda: CB 118725: Seacrest Boathouse Concession, Performance Evaluation for the Department of Parks and Recreation Consultant Report.
Agenda: Public Comment, Seattle 2035 Comprehensive Plan Parks and Open Space, CB 118726: Mercer Arena, CB 118735: Westlake Park and Occidental Square, CB 118730: Central Waterfront Project
Agenda: Public comment, Pier 62 and 63 Project Funding and Development, coin-operated telescopes, Seacrest Boathouse Concession Agreement.
Agenda: Public comment, Res 31670 - Park Naming Resolution, CB 118700 Greenwood Park, CB 118691 Restrictive Covenant
Agenda: Public comment, Reappointments to Seattle Park District Community Oversight Committee.
Agenda: Public comment, Office of the Waterfront Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement.
Agenda: Public Comment, Appointments to Park Board of Commissioners, Tree Stewardship Presentation.
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