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/ 2014/2015 Planning, Land Use and Sustainability Committee
2014/2015 Planning, Land Use and Sustainability Committee
Planning, Land Use and Sustainability Committee 12/2/14
Agenda: Public Comment, Relating to land use and zoning, Briefing on DPD's RSJI Workplan.
Agenda: Public Comment, Relating to land use and zoning, Briefing on DPD's RSJI Workplan.
Agenda: Public Comment, Affordable Housing Linkage Fee Program Implementation, Relating to Seattle Municipal Code Sections.
Agenda: Appointments, Housing Linkage Fee, youth service centers.
Agenda: Public Comment, development standards for youth service centers, Seattle 2035: Comprehensive Plan Update, Update on planning work in industrial areas, 2014 National Electrical Code, Electrical Safety Standards.
Agenda: Seattle`s Star Communities Rating, Emergency Management Planning For Oil Trains, use of neonicotinoid pesticides, City of Seattle`s Food Action Plan, King County Local Food Economy Initiative, Public Comment.
Agenda: Public Comment, incentive zoning program, regional transit oriented development fund, small efficiency dwelling units.
Agenda: Public Comment, dwelling units, floor area ratio requirements for lots, Regional Transit-Oriented Development fund.
Agenda: Public Comment, Establishing a Definition for Micro-housing Unit, Comprehensive Plan Amendments, Minimum Floor Area Ratio Requirements, Fire Station No. 29.
Agenda: Incentive Zoning.
Agenda: Annual Comprehensive Plan Amendments Docket-Setting, downtown waterfront, Living Building and Seattle Deep Green Pilot program.
Agenda: Living Building and Seattle Deep Green Pilot program, transforming the waterfront into a major public amenity, Area Planning Updates.
A joint meeting of the Planning, Land Use, and Sustainability Committee and the Committee on Housing Affordability, Human Services, and Economic Resiliency.
Agenda: Seattle 2035 Comprehensive Plan Update, 2014-2015 Completion of Industrial Lands Studies Including Ballard-Interbay Corridor, Stadium District and Georgetown Land Use Studies.
Agenda: Workforce Housing Listening Session, Public Comment.
Agenda: Public Comment, North Rainier Hub Urban Village zoning, micro-housing, radio transmitter replacement.
Agenda: Briefing on North Rainier Transportation Plans, North Rainier Hub Urban Village, 2013 Annual Report of the Office of the Hearing Examiner.
Agenda Items: Relating to Land Use and Zoning, Public Hearing.
Agenda: Quasi-Judicial, undersized single- family-zoned lots, Lee Wan Properties LLC, Vitamilk South LLC, Seattle Environmental Progress Report, Design Review Board.
Relating to land use and zoning, amending the Official Land Use Map at pages 133 and 145.
Agenda: Public Comment, Small Lot Development, Property Use and Development Agreement, contract rezone, Amending the Seattle Comprehensive Plan, micro-housing unit.
Agenda: Concerning the nontherapeutic use of antibiotic medicine in livestock production, Amending the Seattle Comprehensive Plan, 2014-2015 completion of Industrial Lands studies, Multi-family Housing Market, land use and zoning.
AGENDA: Amendments to Seattle Municipal Code, Appointments to Seattle Design Commission, Construction Codes Advisory Board and Design Review Boards.
Agenda: Public Comment, environmentally critical areas, land use and zoning and petroleum transport by rail through Seattle
Agenda Items: Application of Midtown Limited Partnership, Public Comment, Extension of Interim Small Lot Regulations, Relating to Petroleum Transport by Rail Through Seattle and public comment.
AGENDA: Workforce Housing Background and Needs, Best Practices for Incentive Zoning, Public Comment, Panel Discussion Report Back and Summary.