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City Council 9/23/19
City Council 9/23/19

Agenda: Presentations; Public Comment; Payment of Bills; CF 314433: Mayor Jenny A. Durkan's Budget Address on the 2020 Budget; Appointment of Emily L. Alvarado as Director of Office of Housing; CB 119654: relating to hotel employees' health and safety; CB 119615: Multifamily Housing Property Tax Exemption Program; CB 119519: relating to surveillance technology implementation; CB 119636: relating to the same and use of tobacco and marijuana products; CB 119637: relating to crimes and offenses concerning animals; CF 314359: application to rezone - 4730 15th Ave NE; CB 119651: relating to land use and zoning - 4730 15th Ave NE; CB 119649: Approving and confirming the plat of "Raymond Place"; CF 314378: subdivision application - 5936 35th Ave S.; Appointments and Reappointments;  CB 119648: relating to Seattle Parks and Recreation - Seattle Children's PlayGarden; CB 119655: Seattle Monorail; CB 119647: Muckleshoot Indian Tribe and Chester Morse Collection; Appointment; CB 119607: relating to heating oil; CB 119653: relating to the City's traffic code; CB 119652: relating to citations and penalties in the Street and Sidewalk Use code; CB 19622: relating to pedestrian and business interactions in the public place; CB 119618: relating to City streets - NW Locks Place; Appointments and Reappointments; CB 119650: relating to violations of an compliance with the Seattle Fire Code.

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Presentations - 3:15 Public Comment - 29:35 Payment of Bills - 1:01:30 CF 314433: Mayor Jenny A. Durkan's Budget Address on the 2020 Budget - 1:02:12 Appointment of Emily L. Alvarado as Director of Office of Housing - 3:09:15 CB 119654: relating to hotel employees' health and safety - 3:19:38 CB 119615: Multifamily Housing Property Tax Exemption Program - 3:21:03 CB 119519: relating to surveillance technology implementation - 1:03:40 CB 119636: relating to the same and use of tobacco and marijuana products - 2:20:13 CB 119637: relating to crimes and offenses concerning animals - 2:20:13 CF 314359: application to rezone - 4730 15th Ave NE - 3:26:40 CB 119651: relating to land use and zoning - 4730 15th Ave NE - 3:28:02 CB 119649: Approving and confirming the plat of "Raymond Place" - 3:29:01 CF 314378: subdivision application - 5936 35th Ave S. - 3:29:11 Appointments and Reappointments - 3:31:24 CB 119648: relating to Seattle Parks and Recreation - Seattle Children's PlayGarden - 3:34:40 CB 119655: Seattle Monorail - 3:35:46 CB 119647: Muckleshoot Indian Tribe and Chester Morse Collection - 3:27:28 Appointment to Seattle Park District Community Oversight Committee - 3:38:41 CB 119607: relating to heating oil - 2:23:20: CB 119653: relating to the City's traffic code - 3:39:58 CB 119652: relating to citations and penalties in the Street and Sidewalk Use code - 3:40:45 CB 19622: relating to pedestrian and business interactions in the public place - 3:42:05 CB 119618: relating to City streets - NW Locks Place - 3:43:32 Appointments and Reappointments - 3:44:12 CB 119650: relating to violations of an compliance with the Seattle Fire Code - 3:47:12
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