Select Budget Committee

The purpose of the Budget Committee is to deliberate and review the Mayor's proposed budget and Capital Improvement Program (CIP), make changes as appropriate, to adopt a final Budget and CIP.

Budget Committee 4/30/2012
Budget Committee 4/30/2012
Agenda Items: Revised Revenue Forecast for 2012-2014.

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Budget Committee 4/30/2012
Agenda Items: Revised Revenue Forecast for 2012-2014.
Budget Committee 3/12/2012
Agenda Items: City of Seattle General Fund 2011 Year-end Results and 2012 Outlook.
2012 Community Budget Conference Work Sessions
City leaders break off into departmental work sessions during the 2012 Community Budget Conference.
2012 Community Budget Conference
The 2012 Community Budget Conference kicks off Seattle City Government`s two year budget process. Find out why budgeting matters and how to get involved in the decisions that affect you.
Budget Committee Meeting 1/29/2012
Agenda Item: Interactive presentation with City Neighborhood Council Community Budget Conference participants about outreach, engagement and priorities in the City`s budget process.