2014/2015 Planning, Land Use and Sustainability Committee

Planning, Land Use and Sustainability Committee 12/2/14
Planning, Land Use and Sustainability Committee 12/2/14

Agenda: Public Comment, Relating to land use and zoning, Briefing on DPD's RSJI Workplan.


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Planning, Land Use and Sustainability Committee 12/2/14

Agenda: Public Comment, Relating to land use and zoning, Briefing on DPD's RSJI Workplan.

Planning, Land Use, and Sustainability Committee 10/14/14
Agenda: Public Comment, Affordable Housing Linkage Fee Program Implementation, Relating to Seattle Municipal Code Sections.
Planning, Land Use, and Sustainability Committee 9/30/14
Agenda: Appointments, Housing Linkage Fee, youth service centers.
Planning, Land Use and Sustainability Committee 9/18/14
Agenda: Public Comment, development standards for youth service centers, Seattle 2035: Comprehensive Plan Update, Update on planning work in industrial areas, 2014 National Electrical Code, Electrical Safety Standards.
Planning, Land Use and Sustainability Committee - Special Meeting 9/16/14
Agenda: Seattle`s Star Communities Rating, Emergency Management Planning For Oil Trains, use of neonicotinoid pesticides, City of Seattle`s Food Action Plan, King County Local Food Economy Initiative, Public Comment.
Planning, Land Use and Sustainability Committee 9/16/14
Agenda: Public Comment, incentive zoning program, regional transit oriented development fund, small efficiency dwelling units.
Planning, Land Use and Sustainability Committee 9/5/14
Agenda: Public Comment, dwelling units, floor area ratio requirements for lots, Regional Transit-Oriented Development fund.
Planning Land Use, and Sustainability Committee 8/13/14
Agenda: Public Comment, Establishing a Definition for Micro-housing Unit, Comprehensive Plan Amendments, Minimum Floor Area Ratio Requirements, Fire Station No. 29.
Planning, Land Use, and Sustainability Committee 7/21/14
Agenda: Incentive Zoning.
Planning, Land Use and Sustainability Committee 7/15/14
Agenda: Annual Comprehensive Plan Amendments Docket-Setting, downtown waterfront, Living Building and Seattle Deep Green Pilot program.
Planning, Land Use and Sustainability Committee 7/1/14
Agenda: Living Building and Seattle Deep Green Pilot program, transforming the waterfront into a major public amenity, Area Planning Updates.
Workforce Housing Benchmarking and Best Practices Presentation 6/25/14

A joint meeting of the Planning, Land Use, and Sustainability Committee and the Committee on Housing Affordability, Human Services, and Economic Resiliency.

Planning, Land Use and Sustainability Committee 6/17/14

Agenda: Seattle 2035 Comprehensive Plan Update, 2014-2015 Completion of Industrial Lands Studies Including Ballard-Interbay Corridor, Stadium District and Georgetown Land Use Studies.

Planning Land Use, and Sustainability Committee - Special Meeting 6/16/14
Agenda: Workforce Housing Listening Session, Public Comment.
Planning, Land Use and Sustainability Committee 6/3/14
Agenda: Public Comment, North Rainier Hub Urban Village zoning, micro-housing, radio transmitter replacement.
Planning, Land Use and Sustainability Committee 5/20/14
Agenda: Briefing on North Rainier Transportation Plans, North Rainier Hub Urban Village, 2013 Annual Report of the Office of the Hearing Examiner.
Planning, Land Use and Sustainability Committee 5/19/14
Agenda Items: Relating to Land Use and Zoning, Public Hearing.
Planning, Land Use and Sustainability Committee 5/6/14
Agenda: Quasi-Judicial, undersized single- family-zoned lots, Lee Wan Properties LLC, Vitamilk South LLC, Seattle Environmental Progress Report, Design Review Board.
Planning Land Use, and Sustainability Committee - Special Meeting 5/1/14
Relating to land use and zoning, amending the Official Land Use Map at pages 133 and 145.
Planning, Land Use and Sustainability Committee 4/18/14
Agenda: Public Comment, Small Lot Development, Property Use and Development Agreement, contract rezone, Amending the Seattle Comprehensive Plan, micro-housing unit.
Planning, Land Use and Sustainability Committee 4/1/14
Agenda: Concerning the nontherapeutic use of antibiotic medicine in livestock production, Amending the Seattle Comprehensive Plan, 2014-2015 completion of Industrial Lands studies, Multi-family Housing Market, land use and zoning.
Planning, Land Use and Sustainability Committee 3/18/14
AGENDA: Amendments to Seattle Municipal Code, Appointments to Seattle Design Commission, Construction Codes Advisory Board and Design Review Boards.
Planning, Land Use and Sustainability Committee 3/4/14
Agenda: Public Comment, environmentally critical areas, land use and zoning and petroleum transport by rail through Seattle
Planning, Land Use and Sustainability Committee 2/21/214
Agenda Items: Application of Midtown Limited Partnership, Public Comment, Extension of Interim Small Lot Regulations, Relating to Petroleum Transport by Rail Through Seattle and public comment.
Planning, Land Use and Sustainability Committee 2/13/14
AGENDA: Workforce Housing Background and Needs, Best Practices for Incentive Zoning, Public Comment, Panel Discussion Report Back and Summary.
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