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Poverty & prosperity in King County
Town Square: Poverty & Prosperity in King County

Who really benefits from urban revival? From trendy coastal areas to the nation's heartland, cities are seeing levels of growth beyond the wildest visions of only a few decades ago. First, urban practitioner Alan Mallach shares insight from his book "The Divided City," spotlighting the effects of revival on major metropolitan cities over the past 20 years. Then, a panel of local policy-makers discuss, compare, and contrast the challenges King County and the Puget Sound region are facing in the wake of exponential growth.

Speakers and Panelists:

Alan Mallach, Senior Fellow, Center for Community Progress

Jenny Durkan, Mayor, City of Seattle

Nancy Backus, Mayor, City of Auburn

Claudia Balducci, Councilmember, King County


Marty Kooistra, Executive Director, Housing Development Consortium

Patience Malaba, Advocacy Mobilization Manager, Housing Development Consortium  


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