City Inside/Out episodes

City Inside/Out: Yesler Terrace
City Inside/Out: Yesler Terrace
Yesler Terrace has been a central source of low-income housing in Seattle for 70 years, but it`s falling apart. It also sits on 30 acres of valuable real estate on the edge of downtown. How should the city proceed with redeveloping the area? What will happen to the 1,200 residents who currently living there? We hear from Dave LaClergue and Gary Johnson of the Seattle Department of Planning and Development, Tom Tierney and Anne Fiske Zuniga of the Seattle Housing Authority, and Yesler Terrace residents Fadumo Isaq, Kristin O`Donnell and Darasavanh Kommavongsa. Yesler Terrace Citizen Review Committee member Quang Nguyen also weighs in. Is the Seattle Housing Authority`s ambitious vision for Yesler Terrace a good idea? And should the Seattle City Council approve a rezone of the neighborhood to allow greater density, skyscrapers and a significant increase in traffic?
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