City Inside/Out episodes

City Inside/Out: 05-25-12
City Inside/Out: new Seattle Schools Superintendent
Jose Banda will start as the new Seattle Schools Superintendent on July 1. What can parents and students expect? What legacy does he leave behind? We hear from Superintendent Banda as he gears up for the move from Anaheim, Calif., where he has led a district less than half the size of Seattle`s. We also talk with school blogger Melissa Westbrook; Stephanie Jones of Community and Parents for Public Schools; and Mariellen Sereno, who has worked with the Anaheim City School District as a member of its Independent Citizens Oversight Committee. In our studio, our panel discusses the future of Seattle Public Schools and what needs to happen quickly. Weighing in are Lynne Varner of The Seattle Times; Chris Eide of Teachers United; and Kim Mustafa, a parent with two children attending Seattle public schools. Can a new chief help Seattle make the grade?
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