City Inside/Out episodes

City Inside/Out: Initiative 502
City Inside/Out: Initiative 502
The long-time effort to legalize recreational marijuana hits our state ballots again this fall with Initiative 502. If it passes, anyone over 21 will have easy access to pot at state licensed stores, but it won`t come cheap. There will be a 25% sales tax, with most of the money going towards health programs. Supporters say it`s time to license and regulate marijuana, like alcohol, but opponents argue that legalizing pot will send the wrong message to young people. Plus, there is concern such a law would run afoul of federal drug policy. Ironically, the most vocal opposition to I-502 comes from medical marijuana users, who say this measure will make them a target for police. To help sort out this cannabis controversy, we hear from former U.S. Attorney John McKay, and marijuana activist John Worthington. In studio, Alison Holcomb, I-502 campaign director, and opponent Steve Sarich weigh in.
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