City Inside/Out episodes

City Inside/Out: Will amending city's charter help end homelessness crisis?
City Inside/Out: Compassion Seattle?

A new Seattle coalition is backing a ballot measure to change how Seattle tackles its homelessness crisis. If passed, the charter amendment mandates that the city prioritize housing and services for homeless people and stop them from living in parks and other public spaces. Critics argue the measure could lead to more homeless encampment "sweeps" and destabilize King County's efforts to establish a regional response. City Inside/Out examines Compassion Seattle's efforts to create a new approach to the decades-old crisis of homelessness. 


Erin Goodman, Executive Director, SODO Business Improvement Area

Sharon Lee, Executive Director, Low Income Housing Institute

Jon Scholes, President & CEO, Downtown Seattle Association

Tiffani McCoy, Advocacy Director, Real Change

Gina Hall, Executive Director, Uplift Northwest

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