Book Lust with Nancy Pearl

Leading authors on life and writing

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About Book Lust with Nancy Pearl

Seattle's own "action figure librarian," best-selling author, and literary critic Nancy Pearl sits down each month with authors, poets, and other literary figures for conversations about books, reading, and the process and art of writing. There's no one better qualified than Nancy, who brings an informed reader's perspective to lively conversation and in-depth dialogs about all things literary.

Nancy Pearl, author of the best-selling "Book Lust" series, creator of the internationally recognized program "If All of Seattle Read the Same Book" (which became "Seattle Reads"), and model for the world-famous Archee McPhee "Librarian Action Figure," is host of Book Lust with Nancy Pearl on the Seattle Channel.

Book Lust with Nancy Pearl featuring Susan Linn
Book Lust with Nancy Pearl featuring Susan Linn

Nancy's guest this month is her sister (!) Dr. Susan Linn, whose new book, The Case for Make Believe, encourages parents to turn off the television, hide the computer games, and send their kids out to play. In an era when toys come from television and media companies sell videos as brain-builders for babies, Linn lays out the links between play, creativity, and health, showing us how and why to preserve space for make-believe in children's lives. Dr. Linn is Associate Director of the Media Center at Judge Baker Children's Center and Instructor in Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. She is also co-founder and director of the coalition Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood. Dr. Linn lives in Brookline, Massachusetts, with her husband and daughter.